الحركة في بعد واحد 1D Kinematics
يتم مناقشة موضوع الحركة في بعد واحد ، يتم التركيز على الفرق بين الازاحة والمسافة واعطاء امثلة على كل منهما ، كما نفرق بين السرعة المتجهة والسرعة القياسية وايضا يتم تعريف السرعة وحسابها من خلال منحنى الازاحة والزمن ويتم تعريف التسارع من خلال منحنى السرعة والزمن وايضا يتم حساب السرعة اللحظية والتسارع اللحظي من خلال اشتقاق علاقة المسافة بدلالة الزمن distance and displacement Average speed and average velocity position time graph Acceleration and Velocity time graph Instantons velocity and acceleration
You drive your car in a straight line at 15 m/s for 10 kilometers, then at 25 m/s for another 10 kilometers, calculate the average speed
An expectant father paces back and forth, producing the position-versus-time graph shown in Figure 2-25. Without performing a calculation, indicate whether the father’s velocity is positive, negative, or zero on each of the following segments of the graph: (a)A, (b) B, (c) C, and (d) D
Calculate the numerical value of the father’s velocity for the segments (e) A, (f) B, (g) C, and (h) D, and show that your results verify your answers to parts (a)-(d)
A motorcycle moves according to the velocity-versus-time graph shown in Figure 2-28. Find the average acceleration of the motorcycle during each of the following segments of the motion: (a) A, (b) B, and (c) C
A particle moves along the x axis according to the equation x = 2+ 3t - t 2 where , x is in meters and t is in seconds. At t= 3 s, find (a) the position of the particle, (b) its velocity, and (c) its acceleratio